Thursday 18 August 2011

dinner so ive been bag ive had 2 hamburgers for dinner....500 cals still within my daily calorie allowance but still not good ive also had a handfull of fat free marshmallows ive done 1 hour and 20 mins in the gym my day in under my calorie goal.

Lunch handfull of home fries 2 fish cakes plus lots of vinegar...I
sooo need to go food shopping need some

Breakfast brown toast and blackcurrant juice.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Dinner very boring but done the job lol pasta and fish cakes extras
today have been 1 slice of brown bread and a banana

Lunch bit of a slimming world theme going on pasta with tom and black
pepper sauce made with passata,tomato puree and black pepper slimming
world wedges and a bit fat beetroot random but yum.

Breakfast time,not really feeling breakfast this morning so its a
banana and a capuccino

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Dinner...slimming world style spag bol chopped toms and cucumber
todays extras have been 2 stinger bars bit naughty but not to bad and
a cappucino been to the gym for 1 hour and 40 mins so cals are nice
and under target again.

Lunch today was 2 quorn sausages 1 quorn burger an egg and some cooked
cherry tomatoes

Breakfast time..banana,apple,muller light with a sprinkle of crushed
branflakes for a bit of crunch,please excuse the way this text is set
out blogging via blackberry is pants lol hope everyone is well in blog
land today x

Monday 15 August 2011

Dinner...2 quorn sausages few beans plus homemade slimming world
chips,extras have been an apple and drumstick bar been and done 1 hour
and 40 mins in the gym,calorie goal has come under 1200

Lunch chicken salad followed by a muller light

Breakfast 2 nimble toast,few beans 1 egg 1 quorn sausage 1 black
coffee,yum yum x

Sunday 14 August 2011

Lunch was 1 bag of maltesers 4 crabsticks and a twister lolly due to being at the open day at the rescue centre,hence no pic and crap food, not
great but not the worst,dinner was roast chicken breast,roast
potatoes,brocolli,roasted carrots and mushrooms and 2 yorkshire pudds
followed by 2 meringue nests 1177 cals consumed out of 1200 cal
allowance x

I'm back in blog land,I'm back now 1 stone away from goal rather than
3lbs that I had to go,I'm back due to too much alcohol too much crap
food and sheer laziness!! So I've decided to follow in the footsteps
of fellow bloggers and keep a food picture diary today hasn't been too
bad,not been to the gym,ran outta time but there will be lots of
excersize tomorrow and for the rest of the week!! So here's my first
day of pics,I hope everyone else is doing fab and I will be catching
up on everyones blog entrys nicola xxx.

Breakfast 2 nimble slices of toast with marg and marmite and a cup of tea